Mechatronics Autonomous Delivery Robot
This robot was created as part of Stanford ME210’s mechatronics competition. The robot was designed to receive operator inputs while in the STUDIO and autonomously deliver PRESS (foam balls) across a competition course. It uses an IR homing beacon to identify its location within the STUDIO and line follows to the operator chosen destination (GOOD or BAD PRESS dropoff). It then releases the PRESS using a servo and returns back to the STUDIO. The robot is designed to operate exactly during the 2 minutes and 10 seconds of the competition. It waves, using a second servo, at the beginning and end of each round. The robot was programmed by creating a state machine within Arduino. Please click “Learn More” to view the official robot website.
Key Robot Features and Subsystems
Lasercut Duron chassis
2 wheel belt drive with 2 stability rollers
Double 7V battery powered circuit with Arduino Uno, voltage regulators, and more
5 IR line following detector/emitter sensors
IR homing beacon detector
Ball hopper with servo release
Servo wave to signal begin and end of each round
Control switches and "Go" button for operator inputs